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We the inhabitants of Strabane {1790}

Repository Public Record Office for Northern Ireland

PRONI Reference : Abercorn Papers D623/A/151/47

Title : Memorial of the inhabitants of Strabane Date : 1790

Memorial of the inhabitants of Strabane to John James, Earl of Abercorn.

We inhabitants of Strabane, beg leave, with all due respect and with sincere gratitude to return your Lordship thanks for your liberal donation to our fund established for relief of the poor. With respect of your Lordship, was unsolicited and it come at a time when the distress of many indigent creatures in this place will require peculiar exertions of charity; this circumstances my Lord enhance the obligation and demand our warmer acknowledgements. Your Lordship may be assured that agreeably to your Lordships wishes we will persevere in doing everything in our power to give permanence to the institution to which you have so generously contributed. Such benevolence is the natural result of feelings which do honour to the distinctions of nobility. That you may long live to enjoy these blessings with every happiness they can possibly bestow, is our sincere and ardent wish.


Adam Harvey Rector of Camus,

W. Crawford,

Ephraim Stannus,

James Sproull,

William Smyly,

Patrick Fleming,

Thomas Hamilton,

Jane Hamilton widow,

Jocelyn Ingram,

George Rea,

Andrew Mease,{or Tease}

James Rousse,

James Hamilton,

Claude Hamilton,

Benjamin Fenton,

Robert Porter,

John Barclay,

Nathaniel Edie,

Archibald Allen,

Robert Kerr,

James Fleming,

Nicholas  Edwards,

William Pollock,

James Gaston,

John Holmes

William Fleming,

James Lyon,

David Roulston,

Josias Kerr,

James Orr,

Andrew Gamble,

Samuel Morton,

James Stevenson,

James Patton,

George McNeallay,

William Neilson,

Frederick Porter,

William Ross,

John Alexander

Joseph Gibson,

William Hamilton,

Andrew Calhone  {Calhoun},

John Evans,

Andrew Jenkins.

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