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The Liner Teutonic

The Liner Teutonic   

30th April 1891

From Liverpool via Queenstown Ireland to New York


Name                           Age     Occupation                     Last Residence          Destination


Julia COSTELLO                 18           none                          Cashel                 Oneida

Anthony CARNEY                 20      Labourer                      Mayo           Hobokan  NJ

Annie LAVIN                       20      Servant                        Mayo                   Hobokan  NJ

Ellen GORMALEY                 19      Servant                         Mayo           Hobokan  NJ   

Jonathan OBRIEN                19      Labourer                              Mayo           New Jersey

Nora FITZPATRICK               16      Servant                          Mayo                   New York

Eliza GALLAGHER                17      Servant                           Tullamore      New York

Julia DAYTON                   17      Servant                                 Kilkenny               Mendon Ohio

Kate REGAN                     18      Servant                                  Mayo                   New York

Ellen ONEIL                    20      Servant                                     Dublin                 Chicago

Ellen HORAN                    20      Servant                                  Dublin                 Chicago

Peter VEASEY                   21      Laborer                               Mayo                   New York

Patrick McCANN                 22      Laborer                                        Mayo           New York

Kate McGARR                    19      Servant                                Mayo                   New York

Mary COUGHLAN                  18      Servant                                      Mayo           Boston

Andrew FORD                    40      Labourer                                       Mayo   

James CONROY                   20      Labourer                                Longford         Brooklyn

Susan McKENNA                  19      Servant                                  Baggah         Providence

Margaret SMYTH                 18      Servant                               Bailyboro Cavan New York

Michael McCANN                 30      Labourer                                  Cavan          New York

Bridget McCANN                 25      Labourer                                    Cavan          New York

Mary MORARITY                  19      Servant                                       Kerry          Chicago

Stephen HEALY                  22      Labourer                                         Kerry          Chicago

Mary STOCK                     20      Servant                                            Kerry            Waterbury Ct


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