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Londonderry City Emigrants

Schooner Enterprise

Londonderry, Ireland to Baltimore, Maryland

21 July 1847



I, Thomas R. Knowles, Master of the Schooner Enterprise of Alexandria, do solemnly swear that the within List contains to the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true account or Report of all the passengers taken on board the said Schooner at Londonderry, Ireland, or any other foreign Port or at Sea and brought in the said Vessel into any District of the United States since her departure from the said Quay of Londonderry.

Sworn to this 21st day of July 1847,

List of all Passengers taken on board the Schooner Enterprise of Alexandria from Londonderry City, July 21, 1847.

Columns represent: name, age, sex, occupation, native of, country which they intend to inhabit. All the passengers were listed as labourers. All were from Ireland and all intended to become inhabitants of the United States,   


  1 John Gallagher         30  male   

  2 Ally Gallagher         28  female

  3 James White            39  male

  4 Biddy McIlhinney      18  female

  5 Catharine McIlhinney   16  female

  6 James Logue            18  male

  7 Alexr. Orr             22  male

  8 Patrick Bradly         55  male

  9 Biddy Bradly           50  female

 10 Mary Bradly            24  female

 11 John Bradly            14  male

 12 Danl. McAulay          18  male

 13 Wm. McKinny            27  male

 14 Elizth. McKinny        25  female

 15 Patrick McKinny        29  male

 16 Jas. Doughterty        22  male

 17 Michl. Martin          20  male

 18 Cath . McCormick       18  female

 19 Biddy McAnally         19  female

 20 Patrick Morris         19  male

 21 Jas. Galbraith         18  male

 22 Sally McCourt          16  female

 23 Ally McCourt           12  female

 24 Ann Brown              19  female

 25 Asa Crombreth          21  male

 26 Bernard Mullin         18  male

 27 Ezekiel Beatty         18  male

 28 Jas. McLaughlin        22  male

 29 Mary McLaughlin        20  female





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