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 Ulster Ancestry
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Principal Residents in the town of Lurgan County Armagh 1840

Adamson, R. & J., Linen Merchants, Ballydugan.
Anderson, William, Cabinet Maker, Back Lane.
Anderson, James, of J. Wilson & Co., Main Street.
Armstrong, William, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Tea Dealer, Ironmonger, Coal, Iron and Timber Merchant.
Armstrong, William, & Son, Woollen Drapers, Silk Mercers and Hatters.
Armstrong, Brothers, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Mill Spun Yarns.
Ballocke, John & Thomas, Grocers, Bakers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Main Street.
Beatty, Richard, Grocer, Leather Cutter and Spirit Dealer.
Bell, Robert, Surgeon, etc., Medical Attendant to the Lurgan Union Workhouse, Main Street.
Bell, Thomas, Linen and Cambric Handkerchief Manufacturer.
Black, Jonathan, Watch, Clock Maker and Jeweller.
Boyd, Joseph Hall, Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturer.
Boyd and Watts, Maltsters and Brewers.
Brennian, William, English and Classical Teacher.
Brown, Youngson, Woollen Draper and Spirit Dealer.
Brownlow Arms Hotel, John Girdwood, proprietor.
Bullock, John, Grain Merchant.
Cherry, Samuel, Spirit Dealer.
Christy, Joseph, Esq., Manager of the Ulster Bank Branch, residence, Kircassock.
Crawford, Misses, Grocers, etc., Main Street.
Cummins, John, Innkeeper and Posting Establishment, Main Street.
Cuppage, John, & Co., Flax and Tow Spinners, Linen Yarn Merchants, and General Agents, Offices, Lurgan and 7 Donegall Street Place, Belfast, John Cuppage\'s residence, Lurgan.
Dobbin, Rev. H., Main Street.
Douglas, Charles, Esq., J.P., Gracehill.
Duffy, James, Baker and Flour Merchant, Castle Lane.
Druitt, Thomas, of Greer & Co., Milltown.
Evans, R. J., Printer, Book Binder, Book Seller, etc.
Falloon, John, Chandler and Grocer.
Gilbert, John, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Mill Spun Yarns, Delf and Glass, Main Street.
Gilbert, Mrs., Wholesale Spirit Dealer.
Greer, George, Esq., J.P., Woodville.
Greer, J. & F. H., Discount Agents for the Belfast Bank, Offices, Main Street and Distillery.
Greer, Henry, Solicitor, Lurgan and 14 Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Greer, George, & Sons, Distillers.
Greer, George, & Co., Linen Merchants and Bleachers, Milltown.
Hall, Thomas, Manager of the Provincial Bank, Public Notary, Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Her Majesty\'s Court of Q.B., C.H., and C.P., and Agent to the Alliance Life Assurance Company of London.
Hancock, John, Esq., J.P., Seneschal, Land Agent and Local Director of the Provincial Bank.
Hannay, Robert S., M.D., Main Street.
Hazlett, John, Esq., Solicitor and Commissioner for taking the Acknowledgments of Deeds, to be Executed by Married Women, Main Street and 25 Old Dominick Street, Dublin.
Henning, John T., Surgeon and Apothecary.
Johnston, John, Maltster and Brewer, Main Street and Regent Street, Newtownards.
Johnston, William, Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturer.
Johnston, William, Grocer and Hardware Merchant.
Kennedy, John, Baker and Spirit Dealer.
Kerr, R., Pawn Broker.
Lockhart, George & William, Linen Manufacturers.
Lurgan, The Right Honourable Lord, J.P., & D.L., Brownlow House.
Lurgan Loan Fund and Saving\'s Bank, Henry Greer, Actuary.
Malcom, James, Lawn, Cambric and Cambric Handkerchief Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Mill Spun Linen Yarns.
Mathews, Thomas, Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Court of Queen\'s Bench and Exchequer.
Morris, Robert, Esq., Solicitor and Commissioner for taking the Acknowledgments of Deeds to be Executed by Married Women.
Morris, William B., Postmaster and Distributor of Stamps, and Agent to the Protector Fire and Life Insurance Company.
Morrison, James, Linen Yarn Agent and Accountant Ulster Bank.
McCaw, Johnston, Linen and Cambric Manufacturer, Tegnavin.
McCrory, William, Linen Manufacturer, Clare.
McCullough, William, Chandler, Grocer and Tea Dealer.
McKeown, Hugh, Leather Merchant.
McMullan, John, Surgeon.
Nettleton, George, Grain Merchant and Grocer.
Paul, A., Woollen Draper and Haberdasher.
Phillips, John, Surgeon.
Reilly, Henry W., Printer, Book Seller, Book Binder, Stationer and Ironmonger.
Richardson, John & Thomas, & Co., Linen and Cambric Handkerchief Manufacturers, Springfield.
Rogers, Samuel, Surgeon, Main Street.
Ross, John, Linen and Linen Yarn Merchant.
Ruddell, David, Linen Manufacturer, Maid Street (Main)
Shaw, John, Manager of the Northern Bank Branch.
Stanley, Thomas, Grocer, Tea Dealer, Seedsman, Dealer in Paints, Oils and Colours, Ironmonger, Hardware, Flour and Timber Merchant.
Stanley, Robert, Grocer and Ironmonger.
Starkey, Charles, Saddler and Harness Manufacturer.
Trail, Robert, Woollen Draper, Hatter, etc.
Watson, Henderson, Linen Buyer and Dealer in Linen Yarn.
Watts, Samuel, of Boyd and Watts, Main Street.
Watts, William, Spirit Dealer.
Watson, Robert, Diaper, Damask, Lawn and Cambric Handkerchief Manufacturer.
Watson, Francis, Lakeview.
Wells, William, Woollen Draper, Haberdasher and Hatter, Main Street.
Wells, Matthew, Watch and Clock Maker.
Wilson, Joseph, & Co., Linen Merchants and Dealers in Foreign and Mill Spun Yarns.



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