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 Ulster Ancestry
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The Barque Patty




A list of passengers to go on board the ship PATTY, sworn at Newry, 5 May 1803

bound for North America, destination not stated.

2nd voyage

Alexander Armstrong  29 labourer Armagh

John Armstrong      29 farmer  Down

John Blair       29    labourer       Down

Biddy Brown    38     spinster       Down

Thomas Dick    32     farmer  Down

Samuel Eakin   50      farmer  Down

James Eakin    46     farmer  Down

James Fitzpatrick   37 farmer  Down

Mary Fitzpatrick    32 spinster       Down

John Fleming   24      labourer       Queens County

John Gibson    50     famer     Tyrone

Wm. Griffiths  34     labourer       Down

Mary Harvey    45     spinster       Armagh

Eliza Harvey   23      spinster       Armagh

Robt. Harvey   48      farmer  Armagh

David Hunter   28      labourer       Tyrone

Edward Hunter       34 labourer       Tyrone

George Hunter       14 labourer       Tyrone

Andrew Hurd    30     labourer       Down

John Kennedy   41     labourer       Down

Patk. Lynch    27     labourer       Tyrone

Edward Maugher      26 labourer       Queens County

Saml. McBride       28 labourer       Tyrone

John McDale    36     labourer       Down

James Nelson   28      farmer        Down

Saml. Patton   32      labourer       Down

Joseph Patton       36 labourer       Down

Walter Potter  25      labourer       Down

William Ronsy       19 labourer       Down

George Tilforde     28 labourer       Down

Henry Williams      28 gentleman      Armagh



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